I have finally kicked the jet lag and am on Macau time. Rob seemed to adjust much faster than I. (thanks to the chicken feet he consumed on the 3rd day here) I on the other hand slept the first two evenings away while Rob went out and lost 9 straight games of pool to players from Brazil, China, and Hong Kong. One of these guys is a rigger for the Cirque show here in town.
Now a moment about food. Wow! We have had Dim Sum 2 times and yes at the same place. The first time we enjoyed this amazing feast we had 15 people at our table and a huge lazy susan in the middle so everyone can reach the 15 different types of food. (Rob unaware of the cultural edict put his hands in the peanuts and was scolded.) Dragaon fruit, guava, noodles, of course rice, and various meats of questionable consistency.
In order to get a good idea of the city we thought we should ride the local bus the whole route through. Great a cheap way to do it. However, the route stopped and we were thrown off. Well not the fist time our plan didn't work out. We did make it back on the bus after finding more change and the bus stop.
As of 10 minutes ago we are proud owners of 2 one-way tickets to Kathmandu!!!! Nov. 3rd. Till then we will be enjoying Macau and Hong Kong.
"Feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight"
Looks like they found a way to make sure the chickens don't run away once they cut their throats. The markets here are FRESH.
Now I'll have to find a good map and see where you are and where you're going! Have fun! I'm jealous about the food--I miss Rob's cooking! But I'm trying. (AND actually WORKING OUT!!)
yay!!! its all coming together! i had no doubt you'd acclimate quickly and efficiently. how did rob like his chicken feet? of course i'm mostly interested in your food experiences! enjoy enjoy enjoy!
i'll be looking forward to more pictures and stories. keep it coming. =)
-butch and kryselle-
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